How to chat on WhatsApp without saving the number

How to chat on WhatsApp without saving the numberHow to chat on WhatsApp without saving the number

Truecaller is a popular app that has different features. It allows users to get free messaging, calls, name search,  and so on. It is the best app that blocks any spam message received.

People have been fed up with saving all the numbers they want to chat up on WhatsApp messenger. Most people’s phones and sim contact have full due to unnecessary contact they save. This article will guide you to chat freely without saving any contact again.

Over 400millions have become users of this app. It allows the user to chat with any number that registers on WhatsApp without saving them into their contact. To chat with any number on WhatsApp without saving them into your contact, here are the steps.

  • Open your Truecaller app, if you don’t have one, download and install it on your smartphone by clicking hereHow to chat on WhatsApp without saving the number
  • Type and dial the number you want to chat up on WhatsApp messenger
  • Click on the greater than an icon in front of the numberHow to chat on WhatsApp without saving the number
  • It will now display the name and WhatsApp icon
  • Then click on the WhatsApp icon to chat the person upHow to chat on WhatsApp without saving the number

How to react to WhatsApp message

As you know that WhatsApp is a free app where you can send messages, photos, voice messages, live videos, and more.

Before when some people what to react to a particular message on WhatsApp they prefer to write a short message because WhatsApp doesn’t have any reaction. Now WhatsApp has come with a surprise emoji that allows its users to react to a particular message either in an individual or a group with emojis, like other social media like Facebook, Instagram and others. The WhatsApp update became available on 9 May 2022. As of 18 May 2022, more than 5 billion have updated their WhatsApp.

The emoji includes

  • Thanks
  • Hearth
  • Thumbs-Up
  • Surprised face
  • Sad crying face
  • Crying with laughter

When chatting with your friend or in any group, you can react to any message. To respond to a message you must follow some steps. Here are the steps to follow on how to respond to a message on WhatsApp.

How to react to WhatsApp messages on an android phone

  • Go to the play store or apple app store and update your WhatsApp to the latest version.
  • Login back to your WhatsApp
  •  Long press  on a message you wish to react to
  • Six emoji reactions will pop up
  • Select the emoji reactions you wish to use by tapping on it
  • The emoji reaction will be sent along with the message you react on to the person.

 To react to WhatsApp messages on a Laptop or Pc

  • Open your WhatsApp app on your laptop or computer, the update will automatically download
  • Once the downloading is completed
  • Open a chat
  • Point your cursor to the emoji symbols on the right side and click on it
  • Select the emoji you wish to use by clicking it.
  •  The emoji reaction will be sent along with the message you react on to the person.

Also, Read:

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